Dammit, Chris, what am I supposed to do with overgrown? At least you were able to draw that pyramid for your thing. I could’ve drawn a crazy plant or the fence where my neighbor’s weeds are growing over it. Or Swamp Thing. But I’m stuck trying to write about overgrown. I had written a thing about nose hairs and fingernails and back hair and I scrapped it before I got to pubes, but I was there. And now I’m here. Then I was going to write about an overgrown dark heart and I was like ah fuck that noise, I really don’t want to be depressing today. Life sucks enough. Only other thing I can think of for overgrown is apes for some reason. Like some asshole calling a circus or zoo animal a big damn overgrown ape. That just seems so mean. Overgrown animals seems amazing to me. And that makes me think of Dog from Half Life 2. And now I’m depressed again. Thanks a lot, Chris…